Corpse Zombie Head Display
Oh Man, this is Gnarly! It’s a Display that would be Perfect for your Demonic Room… It’s a Corpse Zombie Head that’s EGADS UGLY! With a Rotting Head, Enlarged Bloody Eye and Bony Jagged Teeth that just Scream HORRIFIC,…
Zombie Attack Fridge Magnets
Now you can Spell out your Favorite Zombie Sayings: “RAWWWWWRRRRRR!” “BRAINSSSSS!” “BARBARA!!!!!” For these Fun Bloody Letters are a Zombie Attack on your Fridge. Fun Red Letters, Dripping with Blood, Varying in Size between 1/2″ to 1 1/2″, these…
Manhole Zombie Prop
Screw the Alligators in the Sewers… There’s something else you need to worry about: Zombies! For this Creepy, Frightening Prop is exactly that. A Zombie Crawling up from a Manhole… EGADS! And it’s Scary as Hell. Bony, Bloody, Green…
Derp Halloween Zombie Mask
Okay, this Costume Cracks me up… It really does look like the Derp Meme… Just look at that Zombie Face. HA! It’s a Halloween Zombie Mask that fits only Half a Head. Slid it over your Noggin (Keeps your…
Life-Size Zombie Greeting Card
LMAO! I would LOVE to get this Zombie on Valentines… Because it’s a Greeting Card that’s LIFE-SIZE! HA! 5 Feet, 8 Inches, it even comes with it’s own Cute Envelope… Made from Heavy Duty Cardboard, this Zombie Card is…
Zombie Guitar Hanger
So So Cool. This is a Guitar Hanger that looks just like a Zombie Hand! AWESOME! With Toxic Veiny Green Digits and Bones and Blood, this Guitar Holder is unlike any you’ve ever Seen before! Cushioned Insert Protect the…
Zombie Smarts Game
This Game is a Fun way to Learn about the Biggest Threat to our Society… Zombies! Packed with Useful Info and Designed to Teach and at the same time, this Zombie Smarts Game could be the key to your…
Zombie Times Brains Tie Tack
What TIME is it? Zombie Time! For this Cute Edition of The Zombie Times is Featuring one Specific Headline (I can’t wait): BRAAAINS! Along with a Beautiful Brain, of course. A Stylish Tie Tack, Lapel Pin that’s Ideal for…