Zombie Rubber Ducks
HA! These Crazy Eyed Rubber Duckies are Great! Featuring a set of 4 Ducks, all Different ZOMBIE Designs, they are made out of Rubber and Kids and Adults will LOVE them! In fact, I know a 36 Year Old…
Severed Fingers
Gnarly! Lay these Delicious Looking H’orderves around the House and it’ll look like a Trail of Breadcrumbs for Zombies! Realistic Fingers that are Bony, Bloody, and Scary as Hell. Made of Latex, Cut directly off a Zombie, each Finger…
Zombie Saurus T-Rex T-Shirt
Kick-Ass. It’s a Zombie T-Rex Dinosaur that’s so Gnarly. I Love it. Has there ever been a Zombie Movie with a T-Rex? YES… It’s called The Jurassic Dead (where a Mad Scientist creates a Living Dead T-Rex, and everyone…
Gore Zombie Box
Sick! What a Cool Creepy Box. A Zombie Box that’s Handmade, Gory as all get out, and Perfect for Storing all your Valuables, like Jewelry, Coins, Brainsssssss! With Bulging Undead Eyes, Rotting Teeth, Ripped Gums and Tons of Blood,…
Zombie Strike Double Blaster
Put a Double Tap on every Zombie you see with this Doublestrike Blaster! The Compact, One-Handed Design lets you Load Fast and Fire! And when you Cock the Blaster and pull the Trigger, the Double Tap is Automatic because…
Zombie Jackson in a Box
“Cause this is Thriller, Thriller Night. There ain’t no Second Chance against the Thing with Forty Eyes, Girl. Thriller, Thriller Night…” Makes you Want to Sing and Dance. Ain’t nothing better than the Thriller Dance. And Michael Jackson as…
Zombie Poop
LMAO… You can get a Stocking Full of Coal this Christmas, or if you’re a Walking Dead Fan, Z Nation Freak, or Undead Fool, then you’ll probably end up getting Zombie POO instead! A Bag full of Zombie Turds,…
Zombie Solar Powered Lamp
This is COOL! It’s a Solar Powered Garden Light Lamp that’s a Zombie Rising from the Dead! SWEET! After Years Spent in the Cold Dark Ground, this Emerging Gruesome Garden Guest Casts an Eerie Light over his Shadowy Surroundings…