Shaun of the Dead Book
“Gleefully Funny And Gruesomely Gory!” This Graphic Novel is from the Shaun of the Dead Movie. Brain-Hungry Zombies Shamble through the Streets of London, but all Unambitious Electronics Salesman Shaun (Simon Pegg) cares about is his Girlfriend Liz, who…
Zombie Easter Bunny Plush
Oh yeah… Imagine getting this in your Easter basket… HA! It’s an undead bunny, a zombie rabbit, that’s gnarly, fun, and bloody all at the same time. What’s hopping? What’s popping? It’s a thump thump with a severed leg…
Enjoy The Little Things T-Shirt
LOL! If you Watched the Movie “Zombieland“, you’ll know Exactly what this Phrase Means: Enjoy The Little Things! Because, in the Zombie Apocalypse, you can’t Spend all your Time Worrying about where your Next Twinkie is going to come…
Walking Dead Zombie YETI Tumbler
YETI Tumblers are all the rage… Everyone has one, even The Walking Dead! For this Custom Handmade YETI Rambler Tumbler is Full of Zombies, and your Favorite Drink. Coated in an Awesome Lime Green and Walking Dead Zombie Pattern,…
Funko POP Walking Dead Bicycle Girl Zombie
The Walking Dead – Days Gone Bye, and the Bicycle Girl, go down in History (with a Bullet that is). It’s one of the Most Famous Scenes that Started the Franchise and it still Haunts me today (Watch it…
Zombie Hand Oven Glove
Let’s hope you’re cooking brains… Because this oven glove mitt can really come in HANDY. HA! It’s a zombie hand, wonderfully made, with a bloody good looking zombie hand, green, decayed, reaching into your stove to pull out some…
Beware Zombies Mouth Face Mask
Freak people out at Airports with this Creepy Face Mask… It’s a Mask that covers your Nose and Mouth and makes quite a statement. A Fun Face Mask that’s White with Red Blood Splatters and Reads “BEWARE ZOMBIES”. 100%…
Michonne’s Katana Prop Replica
SWEET SWEET SWEET! This is Kick Ass Cool! It’s a Replica Prop of Michonne’s Katana (Japanese Sword used by the Samurai) from The Walking Dead. I JUST LOVE THIS SWORD! And, there’s only 1 left! Yikes! If you’re a…