Zombie Bug Repellent Candle
You’re gonna Need this Emergency Candle! Soon! It’s a Zombie AND Bug Repellent Candle that keeps away Pests and the Undead (like your Aunt Gertrude with the Hairy Mole)! With a Fresh Lemony Scent, it’s great for the Patio,…
Zombie Arm Rear Windshield Wiper
NICE! I really LOVE this… It’s a Great Gift for the Zombie Fan… For it’s a Zombie Arm, that you attach to your Rear Window’s Windshield Wiper… And the whole time it’s on, it’s grabbing back and forth like…
Zombie Rot Teeth Paint
Beautiful. Now I can look like my Uncle Huck. You know, the one with 3 Missing Teeth! HA! In fact, everyone can look like him with this Tube of Black Teeth Paint. Slather it on your Teeth and Walk…
2019 Eaters Biters Roamers Calendar
This is the Ultimate Gift for New Years… A BITE from a Walker! And with this Walker Calendar, you can be Eaten everyday of the Year. It’s the Yearly Walkers: The Eaters, Biters, and Roamers of AMC The Walking…
501 Things to do with a Zombie
LMAO! This Book’s a Riot! It’s the 501 Things to do with a Zombie… Here’s some Examples: Ride a Bicycle Built for Two, Sing Campfire Songs, Thumb Wrestle, Go to iHop, Grow a Chia Pet, Speed Walk, Have a…
Zombie Back Packs
Love Zombies? Hate School? Well Zombie it up with these Ultra-Cool Zombie Back Packs. Featuring 7 Different Zombie Visuals, from Bloody Splatters to Staggering Undead, you’ll Love how they look, and love how they hold your Books, Paper, Pencils…
Walking Dead Rick Fridge Magnets
Oh I LOVE these… It’s Fridge Magnets that let you Play Walking Dead all Day Long… Featuring Rick Grimes, Clothing, Accessories, Word Bubbles, Beard and all… Standing around in his Boxer Shorts no doubt (Who needs anything else?). Fun…
Astro Zombie Pro Skateboard
Talk about getting some Lift… This Skateboard takes it to new Heights: SPACE! It’s a Creepy, Gross Astronaut Zombie (Called Astro Zombie), that makes this Pro Skateboard Fast and Fun. Colorful Graphics, Functional, Up-to-date, and all around Awesome, 7…