Zombie Hand Napkin Holder
Um, you got a little Brain on your Chin… Might want to Wipe that off… :) Well, now you can with this Fun and SCARY Napkin Holder! It’s a Zombie Hand that Holds your Napkins, making them Easy to…
Zombie Defence Squad Gift Wrap
You can’t get any more IDEAL than Zombie Wrapping Paper for the Zombie Lover! Wrap those Undead Gifts up with a Roll of 64lb Text Weight Glossy Paper, featuring Bloody Zombie Skulls and the words Zombie Defence Squad. Defence…
Zombie Marionette
OH MAN… This Puppet, err, Marionette, is KICK ASS COOL! If you’ve ever wanted to Walk your Own Undead, then you really need to get a Handle on this. It’s a Walking Dead Zombie, that’s a Fun Marionette… Strings,…
Zombie Vs Werewolf Socks
LOL! There’s a Fight going on between your Feet… And it ain’t Toe Jam (at least this time). NOW, it’s the Attack of the Zombies versus the Werewolves with these Cool and Colorful Zombie vs. Werewolf Socks! Talk about…
Zombie Turkey Outbreak
Thanksgiving is coming (aka Turkey Murder Day), so get your Weapons ready… Driven Mad after Losing his Farm, a local Turkey Farmer, J. Snydles, Plots his Revenge on an Unsuspecting Town. Using Steroids, Toxic Waste, and a Small amount…
Zombie Slide Glove
These Freaky Cool Skateboard Slide Gloves are specifically Designed to be Functional and Practical! Perfect for Freeriding! Made with a Mix of Kevlar, Nylon and Suede for Light Weight, Durability and Breathability, these Fun Zombie Hands are Rotten, Blue,…
Zombie Temporary Tattoos
Zombies are all over your Face, Arms and Legs… RUNNNNN! Oh wait, those are just Temporary Tattoos, my bad. This Kit includes 30 Temporary Tattoos that you can Stick anywhere your Little Heart Desires. Zombify yourself with Style! Classic…
Zombie Attack Fleece Scarf
Talk about FUN! It’s a Scarf that looks like you just went through a Zombie Horde! With Exposed Brains and Fluorescent Green Claw Marks this Scarf is Made out of Fleece and Fits Perfectly over your Head and Drapes…