Coed and Zombie Stoner DVD
This Movie is the Coed and Zombie Stoner Movie! And the Customer Comments say it all… “I couldn’t Stop Watching this Film! Entertaining and Hilarious, full of Fun Twists. If you like Hotties, Zombies, and Stoner Comedies, then this…
Beware of Zombies Warning Tape
Beware of zombies… Everywhere! It’s warning tape that will make your next undead party… Lively! Fun tape that reads: BEWARE OF ZOMBIES. Plastic tape, 20 feet long (about the size of your small intestine)… That’s ideal for walkers, talkers,…
Exploding Guts Zombie Morphsuit
Oh Boy. My Favorite Treat… Exploding Zombie GUTS! YUM! This Morphsuit Costume is right up my Bloody Alley. A Kid’s Morphsuit that’s the Quickest Costume you’ll see yet. Just slip it on and you’re good to MOAN. A Jaw…
Biohazard Zombie Wig
Awesome!!!! It’s like Shag Carpet from the 60’s (or an Austin Powers Movie), only this time, it’s ZOMBIE HAIR! A Fun Colorful Green Wig that Transforms any Ghastly Makeup into THE WALKING DEAD! Adult Size, Neon Green, Toxic and…
Zombie Toy Bunny Rabbit
With Easter coming (in just 9 days), it’s time to think of Cute Little Stuffed Bunny Rabbit Toys… Won’t the Kids just LOVE them in their Easter Baskets? Awwww… Unless you’re a Zombie Freak. Then, well, you get the…
Only Dead on the Inside Book
There are plenty of Guides out there about how to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse. All of them assume Readers are Young, Fit, and Unencumbered by Children. In that Scenario, the only Living Humans left will be Smug, Outdoorsy Millennials….
Bleeding Zombie Head Bowl
HA! Serve up some Gory Treats with this Frightfully Fun Bleeding Zombie Head Bucket Bowl… And remember, he’s got his Eye on you, so NO Snacking Between Meals… Unless it’s BRAINSSSS! :) This Bleeding Zombie Head Candy Bucket is…
Zombie Butcher Shop Apron
“NEXT!!!” This Apron is Ideal for the Undead and the Dying… It’s a Zombie Apron that’s right out of the Creepy Ass Butcher Shop! Yikes! Fun Apron, full of Blood, Guts and Body Organs, ready to throw on and…