Zombie Movie Kit

Create Movie Magic with your very own Zombie Film Studio Kit! Each Kit Contains a Film Backdrop and all the Characters and Props you need in order to make your own Cinematic Masterpiece. Once you’ve come up with a Plot, Record your Movie using a Smartphone or Camera and Upload it to the Internet. Now that’s COOL and FUN! “Rawwrrrrr!”

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  • Zombie Outbreak Response Team Ring

    Did you know that there really is a Zombie Outbreak Response Team? It’s TRUE! Called U.S.Z.O.R.T. this Team is made up of 50 Units that Operate all over the U.S. and other Countries, Training, Preparing and Waiting for the…

    via Amazon

  • Walking Dead Jewelry Box

    Beautiful! This is a MUST HAVE for any Walking Dead Fans. WOW! It’s a Jewelry Box, made out of Wood, with The Walking Dead Comics Applied to the Outside… Along with Splatters of Blood. Lots of Blood. Red Blood!…

    via Etsy

  • 101 Zombies

    HA! Moonshine and Toxic Waste don’t Mix and when your Neighbors are Crazed Contagious Cannibals, its time to get out of town. Townspeople who once Thirsted for Local Homemade “Mountain Dew” begin Hungering for Human Flesh and Blood. Ken,…

    via Amazon

  • Zombie Bowling Ball

    Oh Yeahhhhhhhhhhh! It’s TIME to Bowl some Zombies… COOL! It’s a Bowling Ball with the Face of a Gruesome Bloody Zombie Head Rolling down the Alley! Will it be a Strike? Or a Spare EYE! HA! Coming in 10…

    via Amazon

  • Zombie Plush Slippers

    Slip your Feet into the Fun Plush Zombie Slippers! You feel like a Zombie in the Morning, so why not Dress like one. This Pair of Zombies are Cute, Colorful, and Gently Gnawing on your Feet. Who knew being…

    via Amazon

  • Complete 3D Zombie Costume

    This Zombie Costume is Complete with Shirt, Pants, Gloves and Creepy Undead Mask with Frightful Wig! The Polyester Costume Shirt is Washed out Grayish-Black with Tears. Body Parts are Sewn in the Chest and each Arm is Covered with…

    via Amazon

  • Zombie Plates Napkins Cups

    Having a Birthday? A Party? A Funeral? Isn’t it time you invested in a Set of Party Supplies? Like Napkins, Plates and Cups… With ZOMBIES? Zombie Hands and Creepy Green Toxic Plates that will Chill your Party to the…

    via Amazon

  • Walking Dead Fridge Magnets

    Walking Dead Fans Rejoice, because these Magnets will look AWESOME on your Fridge! They’re Walking Dead Daryl Dixon Magnets that can Adorn your Refrigerator, and Dixon with Different Outfits, Crossbow, Ear Necklace, Quotes, and a Squirrel… Or, you could…

    via Etsy

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