TWD Negan Body Pillow Case
LMAO! I’m sure after last nights Walking Dead, the Fight Between Negan and Rick, you’ll want to Snuggle up with this Body Pillow and Cry. What a Great Episode… LOVED IT! And I LOVE this Pillow Case too… A…
My First Zombie Plush
HA HA! This is my kid… Hanging onto his first Zombie Plush Toy. How Sweet! With a Green Stuffed Toy, in the Shape of a Whimsical Zombie (and Yes, those are Blood and Guts and Brains), you’ll Hear lots…
Leather Zombie Gun Holster
Creepy, Crawly, Sick and Bloody… Can’t get much better than that. Especially with this Hand Painted Custom Gun Holster… WOW! It’s a Zombie Delight, and the Ideal thing to hold your Gun when you’re running from the Undead. Made…
501 Things to do with a Zombie
LMAO! This Book’s a Riot! It’s the 501 Things to do with a Zombie… Here’s some Examples: Ride a Bicycle Built for Two, Sing Campfire Songs, Thumb Wrestle, Go to iHop, Grow a Chia Pet, Speed Walk, Have a…
Takis Zombie Tortilla Chips
Zombies Eat Brains, and Apparently, Tortilla Chips. For these Tasty Treats are Ideal for all those Brain Dipping Goodies… Mini Takis, Habanero and Cucumber Flavored, are Lovely Little Mini Tortilla Rolled Chips. Delicious and Guaranteed Fresh, you’ll want to…
Creepin It Real Zombie Ring
“HIGH FIVE!” You’ll be able to Slam all those Zombie Hands with this Fun Ring. It’s a Zombie Hand, Green, Bloody and Perfect for Halloween. Featuring a Horrifying Undead Hand, a Plastic Hand with a White Bone sticking out,…
Milfs Vs. Zombies Prime Video
OMG… A Group of Moms (MILFS) Enjoy a Night Out are Forced to Fight for their Lives when their Quiet Town is Overrun by a Ravenous Horde of Flesh Eating Corpses. Will they be able to meet up with…
TWD Negans Bat Lucille
I can’t even tell you how Anxious I am at the Return of The Walking Dead this SUNDAY… I’m already out of my seat, for I know it’s going to be Horrible, Bloody, and a Favorite Character is gonna…