Night of the Living Deb
I just watched this Movie last night and thoroughly Enjoyed it. Deb; Funny and Obnoxious, has a One Night Stand with her Dream Man Ryan… Only to Wake up in a Zombie Apocalypse. And from there; it’s all Jokes…
The Walking Dead Negan Driver’s License
I can just picture this… Walking down the Blood Soaked Streets in the Zombie Apocalypse, and you Stumble upon this Crazy Post-War Artifact… A Driver’s License: Negan’s, from The Walking Dead. After all, he won’t need it anymore (especially…
So Now You’re a Zombie Handbook
HA! There is more to Undeath than Shambling around in Search of Brains to Eat… but not much more, according to this Detailed look at the New Zombie Lifestyle. Filled with Deadpan Tips on how to Succeed in the…
The Walking Dead Dale’s RV Set
SWEET! With The Walking Dead Starting back up Tonight, this RV is just the thing to get you in the Mood… It’s Dale’s RV that consists of 468 Pieces of Bloody Fun that you Put together. A Completely Buildable…
Zombie Welding Helmet
What could be more Fun in a Zombie Apocalypse then a Blow Torch and a Helmet? NOTHING! Especially if that Helmet is a Welder’s Helmet with Kick-Ass Zombies Painted on it. A Viking 3350 Welding Helmet with the New,…
Zombie Notes ACLS Certification Exam Prep.
This 2 Page Zombie Notes Study Chart includes the Most Important Information Healthcare Professionals must Memorize (Up all Night like a Zombie) to be Successful on the Certification Exam for Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS). Healthcare Professionals who are…
Daryl Dixon Life Size Cardboard Standup
Stand Up and be Somebody… That’s what my Dad always told me. Even if it’s During a Zombie Apocalypse and all you have is a Crossbow. Like Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead, Now Life-Sized, Dripping with Sweat from…
Zombie Bar-B-Que Nintendo DS
Something’s Gone Terribly Wrong in this Fairy Tale Land. And it’s up to Little Red Riding Hood to Defeat these Twisted Fairy Tale Characters… er, ZOMBIES! In Little Red Riding Hood’s Zombie BBQ, you’ll have Loads of FUN, Fear,…