Zombie Wedding Ring Box
“I CHEWS YOU!” HA! It’s a Ring Box that’s Different than any other you’ve ever seen (in this life or the next). A Zombie Finger Ring Box that’s Ideal for Holding your Engagement Ring, Wedding Set or Bands… A…
Zombie Head Pinata
The only way you can Kill a Zombie is by Smashing its Head in… Plus, that’s the only way to Eat what’s inside! Featured is this Hilarious Zombie Head Pinata that’s Ideal for your Kid’s Walking Dead Zombie Party….
Walking Dead Punk Zombie Figure
If you’re GUNG-HO about the New Walking Dead Series just Leaked (Premiering Spring 2020), then Stock up on Zombies, and let’s get this Party Started. For the show will Highlight a Brand New Cast, from the beginning of the…
Pin The Eye On The Zombie Party Game
OUCH! Have FUN with this party game… It’s just like the classic “Pin the tail on the donkey”, but with Zombies instead! It’s pin the eye on the zombie, appropriately called “I Have My Eye On You Zombie”, and…
Zombie Proof Your Home Pendant
Okay, this cracks me up. It’s a handmade pendant that reads: Zombie Proof Your Home Adopt a Cat! Now that’s funny. And true. Can you imagine a walker trying to break down the door… you cat would go nuts;…
Green Zombie Bunny Pinata
Awwwww! I would LOVE to have a Zombie Bunny. Wouldn’t you? HA! Especially one filled with Yummy Treats like Brains, and Guts and Chewy Organs… Or in this case, 3 Pounds of CANDY or TOYS! For this Bunny, is…
Zombie Blood And Guts Workshop
Create your own Gruesome Special Effects with this Zombie Blood and Guts Workshop… Shock your Friends and Family with your Gory Undead Effects and Creations. Pickle your own Zombie Eyeballs, Slime Balls, Guts ‘n’ Gizzards, Blood Clots, Bogies, and…
Not Another Zombie Movie
Franklin and Mike find themselves trapped in the Undead-Infested Cyrene City, where they must attempt to Lead a Group of Unconventional Survivors to Safety. As they join forces with the likes of a Pregnant Woman, a Moronic Arms Dealer,…