Walking Dead Carl Valentines Day Card

“Corl! Stay in the House” “Where’s Carl?” “Corllllll!” Always walking off… But hey, it is The Walking Dead. So let Carl be Carl… You SEE? An Ideal Greeting Card for Valentine’s, it’s Carl, with the Bloody Missing Eyeball, reading “I’ve got my eye on you”… Yeah! Harsh, but still better than Chocolate Pudding. Hand Drawn, Colorful, and ready for Carl’s Last Dying Moments… Let’s Hope it’s Grand…!

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  • Zombie Blood Drip Nail Art

    LOL, these are Funny! Bloody Fun! Nail Art that looks just like Dripping Zombie Blood! How Dire! You get 20-25 Transfers Per Pack, with different Colors of Blood and even a “Keep Calm and Kill Zombies” Nail Art. FUN…

    via Amazon

  • Derp Halloween Zombie Mask

    Okay, this Costume Cracks me up… It really does look like the Derp Meme… Just look at that Zombie Face. HA! It’s a Halloween Zombie Mask that fits only Half a Head. Slid it over your Noggin (Keeps your…

    via Amazon

  • Badass Zombie Killers Card Game

    Rack em up, because these Zombies are going down! For this NEW Card Game is just the thing you need. It’s a Zombie Killers Game featuring Zombie Killing Weapons (Gas-Powered, Double-Barreled, Laser-Guided Pitchfork) that are Totally Badass and Wicked…

    via Amazon

  • Zombie Toy Bunny Rabbit

    With Easter coming (in just 9 days), it’s time to think of Cute Little Stuffed Bunny Rabbit Toys… Won’t the Kids just LOVE them in their Easter Baskets? Awwww… Unless you’re a Zombie Freak. Then, well, you get the…

    via Etsy

  • Zombie Combat Academy Skull Ring

    If you’re going to Bash your Fist through a Zombie’s Head, better wear this Ring. It’s Metal. It’ll Pulverize those Brains! Plus, a little RED might make this Ring look Cooler. Even though it’s Cool enough. A Skull, Adorned…

    via Etsy

  • Zombie Teddy Bear

    LOL The Kiddies will LOVE this Present under the Christmas Tree… It’s a Zombie Teddy Bear! A Green Gnarly Teddy Bear, with Bloody Nose, Eyes, and Paws, Stitched with Gashes, Wounds and Intestines Dangling Free… It’s the Most Perfect…

    via Etsy

  • Zombie Horde Paper Toys

    HA! There is Nothing Better to Do in the Day than to Play with your Zombie Pets. An Undead Horde that You Create Yourself. It’s a DIY Project that any Zombie or Walking Dead Fan would LOVE. Fun Paper…

    via Etsy

  • Zombie Hand Lantern

    Walk through the Pitch Black Night with a Light that will Show you the Zombies. They’re coming… You better RUN! It’s a Handheld Lantern that’s Everything Zombie! Featuring a Trick-Or-Treat, or Halloween Decoration that will Brighten up any Undead’s…

    via Amazon

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