Zombie Cupcake Charm
LOL! Creepy Cupcake Alert! Who doesn’t LOVE Cupcakes? No matter how Grotesque they might be… And this Cupcake… Well, takes the Cake! It’s UGLYYYY! Looking like a Cupcake with a Hideous Zombie Eyeball, this Fun Food Charm is made…
Bloody Zombie Ring
Oh this Ring reminds me of the Time I stuck my Finger in a Zombies Head… Yeah, a Total Nightmare. But this Ring is a Gorgeous Nightmare that anyone can own. A Zombie Ring that’s made from a Creepy…
Zombie Zinfandel Wine Gift Set
“CHUG CHUG CHUG!” NO, that’s not the Sound of a Zombie Drinking your Brains through a Straw, it’s YOU getting Drunk on Christmas because the Zombie Apocalypse is coming. And with this Fun Gift Set, you can do just…
Frosted Green Zombie Tobacco Pipe
SUCK IT UP… Through the Zombie Pipe. For it’s a Tobacco Pipe that’ll have you Roaming around like the Undead, no doubt. A Frosted Green Tobacco Pipe covered with Zombies. How Fun! Fill it with whatever you desire, for…
Zombie Comic Bracelet
BEAUTIFUL! This Bangle Bracelet is AWESOME! It’s a Bracelet of Creepy Zombie Comics! How Cool is that? The Images come from the Comic “Escape of the Living Dead”. And it is Perfect for any Zombie, Comic Book, or Fans…
Zombicide Base Game
Zombicide is a Collaborative Game for 1 to 6 Players, 13 Years or Older. Each Player Controls from One to Four “Survivors”, Human Beings in a Zombie-Infested Town. Switching between “survivors” and “Hunters”, the Team must Constantly Keep the…
Plants vs Zombies PVC Toys
What a Fun Collection… A 16 Piece Plants VS Zombies Series PVC Toys. Great Decorations for your Table, Desk, Mantel, Shelf… It’s Zombies, what’s not to LOVE? Measuring Size: 4-7 cm, these Plastic PVC Toys are Adorned with Bulging…
The Girl With All the Gifts
Got Amazon Prime? Good, then you can Watch this Incredible Zombie Movie, FOR FREE! It’s called “The Girl With All the Gifts”, featuring Glenn Close, in a Post-Apocalyptic Story about a Devastating Disease that Eradicates Free Will and turns…