Exploding Guts Zombie Morphsuit
Oh Boy. My Favorite Treat… Exploding Zombie GUTS! YUM! This Morphsuit Costume is right up my Bloody Alley. A Kid’s Morphsuit that’s the Quickest Costume you’ll see yet. Just slip it on and you’re good to MOAN. A Jaw…
Zombie Toilet Paper Holder
Damn it! You can’t even take a POOP without Zombies trying to get you! HA! And with this Creepy Ass Zombie Toilet Paper Holder, it’s looking to Bite your Hand every time you reach for a Wipe. 7.5″ High,…
Printable Zombie Photo Booth Props
Where else can you have this much fun for $4??? Huh? It’s Photo Booth Props that are Ideal for the Zombie Fan or Zombie Apocalypse. 22 Great Images that you can Print, Cut Out yourself, and have FUN taking…
Leather Zombie Cosplay Corset
This is one of the MOST BAD-ASS Leather Costumes I have ever seen… Unbelievably Detailed, Dark and Creepy. It’s a Leather Corset that’s Ideal for Cosplay. Talk about a Fright Factor… Be a Ravishing Flesh and Blood Barbarian, for…
Zombie Hamlet DVD
“To Be, or not to Be: that is the Question. Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to Suffer the Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune, Or to take Arms against a Sea of Troubles, And by Opposing end them?…
Chia Zombie Head
Oh My… Doesn’t this take the Cake? It’s a Chia Pet that’s a ZOMBIE HEAD! And boy is it UGLY! HA! Ghoulishly Fun, it makes for one Amusing Gift, or more than likely, one Gag Gift! Perfect for any…
Marge Simpsons Zombie Plush
“RAwrrrrrrrrrrrrr!” It’s Marge. Mrs. Simpsons stuffed. She’s now a fun zombie plush toy. Right from the comics, the cartoons, Halloween and the Tree House of Horrors, it’s the mother of all mayhem; Marge. There’s something sinister afoot in Springfield…
Zombie Bart Simpson
LOL! The Simpsons have been around a Wee-Bit too long. They’re looking a little Crusty! Especially Bart! Could have something to do with that Spoon Digging into his Juicy Red Brains… HA! This Colorful Bart Simpson Zombie Figure is…