I Heart Brains Zombie Gloves
Gotta keep those Rotting Fingers Warm… You could Sink them into a Nice Skull Cavity and Scoop out some Brains, or you could just slip on some I Heart Brains Gloves and stay Toasty all Winter! Cute Gloves, Black…
Zombie Kite
Look, up in the Sky, it’s a Bird, it’s a Plane, it’s Super Walker!!! An Undead Kite with an Undead Creature. Fun, Colorful Green, Blue, Red Entrails Zombie Kite that takes the Horde to the Sky and the Clouds……
Complete 3D Zombie Costume
This Zombie Costume is Complete with Shirt, Pants, Gloves and Creepy Undead Mask with Frightful Wig! The Polyester Costume Shirt is Washed out Grayish-Black with Tears. Body Parts are Sewn in the Chest and each Arm is Covered with…
Youth Zombie Name T-Shirt
Talk about a Blast… You, in the Middle of a Zombie Horde… How Awesome! And now, with this Ultra-Cool and Different T-Shirt, you can do just that. It’s a Youth T-Shirt (that comes in many Different Color Choices), with…
Zombie Combat Academy Ring
WOW! Now this is a Bad-Ass Ring! It’s a Graduation Ring like you’ve never seen before… From Zombie School! This Zombie Combat Academy Ring is Stunning! It’ll look Perfect with some Splashes of Blood… Just sayin! Plated Metal Ring,…
Cute Zombie Earrings
Awwwwwwww! If these aren’t the Cutest Little Zombies… How FUN! Darling Green Zombies, Handmade from Clay with Bright Toxic Skin, Red Eyes, Chomping Teeth, a Vicious Scar, and a Broken Scalp with Bloody Brains… Oh Man, Talk about a…
The Essential Zombie Coloring Book
This is a Beautifully Dire Coloring Book, full of Zombies that you can Color (Better stock up on plenty of RED). Zombies, Brains, Scares and Gore… If you Love Zombies, and you like to Color, well… What are you…
Zombie Marionette
OH MAN… This Puppet, err, Marionette, is KICK ASS COOL! If you’ve ever wanted to Walk your Own Undead, then you really need to get a Handle on this. It’s a Walking Dead Zombie, that’s a Fun Marionette… Strings,…